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Training Details
Intergenerational IT Programme
Do you know someone who has never been online before but would love the opportunity to learn some computer skills – such as email and social media.
This programme is being offered to 10 people who are aged 50+ living in the Armagh area.
The Intergenerational Digital Inclusion Programme which starts on Monday 26 February at St Patrick’s Grammar school in Armagh, is a free six-week programme which will give participants the chance to learn a range of IT skills alongside ten Year 13 students who are completing their ICT A Levels.
Week one of the course starting at 10.30am, will be an introduction session with intergenerational exercises and an introduction to getting online. From week two through to week five, participants will receive one-to-one sessions on IT skills which will include setting up emails, Facebook, YouTube and shopping.
Each session will last around 90 minutes, with cups of tea included. Week six of the programme will be a celebration event for the participants and pupils. The programme is being organised in partnership with the Promoting Wellbeing Team in SHSCT, ARK Housing through the Shared Housing Programme, and the Age Friendly Officer at ABC Council.
To register an interest for the event:
please send an email to
or call Stephanie on 07825 01063